Master Project Complexity: Project Management and Zen
Today’s projects become increasingly complex and a test of our leadership. What do you recommend to master this increasing complexity and to show your leadership skills at the same time?
Individuals in the team and the whole team need orientation and guidance or an inspiration how to do so by themselves. Personally, I have found that the philosophy of Zen offers many insights which can help us achieves this. In simple, easy to understand language it outlines avenues to find our lost individual and project identity, overcome burdens and master challenges, reduce complexity and guide us to personal success.
My latest presentation on the very topic is now available on Slideshare.
This presentation introduces 10 Zen insights and translates them into the language of project management. It thus shows how to apply Zen insights in a project setting. Zen can help inspire us personally and how to interact effectively with our team, customers and stakeholders. Applying Zen in projects makes it easier to build teams, perform on a high level and deliver results which delight our customers and teams alike. It thus helps us and the team to evolve into a performing unit and excel.
In a nutshell, the 10 insights are the following:
1. Identity:
You have to understand, accept and embrace the actual motivation of your project.
2. Timeliness in a time-sensitive world
We must not be became slaves of time pressure. Instead we have to ensure a creative freedom and solve problems from the distance
3. The power of vision
Projects are NOT just about SMART project objectives. As a matter of fact, SMART project objectives without a vision kills creativity, risks results and may lead to failure.
4. Overcoming Angst and the need for action
In situations of severe stress, don’t fall into the trap of rapid action or even blaming others. Instead, relax and take responsibility for your situation.
5. Invidiualism and hierarchy
Instead of being manipulated by others, this principle encourages us to personalize our projects and thus project success.
6. Leadership and motivation
Leadership and motivation go hand in hand. We have unleash guiding energies in our team and develop a solution- and reults orientation in our team.
7. Simplicity
There is no law that complex problems require complex and complicated solutions. Less is more. This is a reminder not to get lost in the jungle of details and keep the eye on the vision of our project.
8. Truth and illusion
Let’s face it, perceptions are more important than facts. It is futile to look for a simple truth. After all a simple truth is no more than an assumption which may be false altogether.
9. Team play
Every project is about people, it is about teamwork. Let’s nurture collaboration and enjoy the game of projects
10. Passion
If everyone on the team understands the WHY of the project, everyone can identify him/herself with the project. The project becomes a part of them. This passion sets the individual and the whole team free, resulting in team synergy and team magic.
Let me know if you are interested to hear / read more about it.