Why ‚Job Satisfaction‘ May Be The Wrong New Year’s Resolution
As the new year is just around the corner it’s this time of the year many of us come up with glorious (or not so glorious) New Year’s Resolutions. Unfortunately, most of these don’t last long. Makes you wonder how sincere they were in the first place. Excuses vary from „it was not the right resolution“, to „I was just too busy“ and „my job doesn’t allow me the space for my resolution“. And there are many other excuses. And they are just that: „excuses“.
But what a resolution which may very worth the investment?! Let me suggest one which I strongly believe in.
Don’t be misled by the lofty goal of „Job Satisfaction“
We all have to work. However, how many of us are really happy with and in their job? Does your job merely satisfy your needs? Do you like it? If so, what is it that you like? Is the people, the environment, the salary, other perks?
Job satisfaction is definitely something worth striving for. And I believe that every employer should care about its employees being satisfied with and in their jobs. For, if not, performance is likely to suffer resulting in poorer productivity, lower quality, dissatisfied customers, less sales and hence profits. It is a spiral downward.
However, job satisfaction is not enough! Satisfaction is great, at first sight. But then it is just that „satisfaction“, it is enough, mediocre, average, far from better or even best. Why should „average“ be sufficient?! It is not. What to do instead?
Create a happy workplace!
As an employer, find out what makes your employees happy. Not solely in the sense of pleasure. Happiness is much more than that. It involves passion for doing something or being with other people or in a specific environment. It involves purpose, i.e., something people can relate to and identify with. People know why they are doing something and they believe in it. They share a common purpose. They are driven by it. Hopefully, this purpose coincides with the purpose and mission of your company or organization. If not, well, you may have a problem or two along the horizon (meaning de-motivated employees).
These days it is no longer sufficient to hire people and expect them fully believe and support the purpose or mission of your company. If you want to attract and retain talents you have to find out what drives, what motivates them. What makes them happy.
As an employee, what do you love about your job? What makes you happy? If you don’t have a happy workplace, of course, you could go to your boss and ask for help. But, hey, it is your life. Rather than looking for outside help, start with yourself. What drives you day in day out? What are you passionate about? What gives you pleasure? And how can you bring this into your job, where you can find it?
Hence, here is my suggested New Year’s Resolution:
Create a happy workplace!
P.S.: Here’s a link to a related article.