Product vs. Customer Focus
Creative Economy, innovation
If you ever had doubts about the essence and value of customer vs. product focus, have a look at the following example:
Now, imagine if Volkswagen changed its attitude and strategy and start focusing on and addressing the needs and expectations of their customers. Personally, I believe it could help manage their present crisis, learn from it and come out of it stronger. But, then, it’s a matter of perspective, attitude and mindset.
P.S.: What am I driving? A Skoda (Volkswagen) and so far I have been satisfied with my Volkswagen product. Last week I received a letter from Volkswagen informing me that the software of my car needs to be modified.
Thomas Juli
Ich bin ein Human Business Architect, Agiler Coach und Futurist. Meine Vision ist es beizutragen, Human Business bis zum Jahr 2030 zum neuen global Norm gemacht zu haben.