As mentioned in my post of earlier this week I got the chance and honor to having contributed to a forthcoming book.  The title is „Corporate Bold:  What Every Corporate Professional Must Know“.  Information about this book can be found at

From the official website: „Corporate Bold is a book about what today’s corporate professionals need to think about in order to thrive in tomorrow’s corporate structure. The book is currently under development and is slated to be published in Spring 2009 and will be available through Barnes & Noble bookstores and

The book challenges many of the assumptions that may no longer be true. By providing specific steps that can be taken immediately to assess readiness, Corporate Bold aims to change the lives of corporate professionals in a powerful and positive manner. Corporate Bold outlines a strategy for success and gives the readers a larger and richer context to think from.“

My own contribution:  I am writing about the power of sharing information, teaching and empowerment.

I will keep you posted once the publication date is set.

Happy Holidays and Have a Good and Prosperous New Year!